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Producción científica

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Lista de artículos

J.M. Flórez-Parra, M.V. Lopez Perez, A. Lopez Hernandez and M.L. Arco Castro,  "Determinants of the dissemination of economic, social and environmental information at the university level in the context of commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals", "Sustainable Development" , 1-15, 2023
A. Navarro Galera, D. Buendia Carrillo, M.E. Gómez Miranda and J. Lara Rubio,  "Fighting depopulation in Europe by analyzing the financial risks of local governments", "International Review of Administrative Sciences" , 1-17, 2023
M.D.L.Á. Baeza Muñoz "Regulation of shared electric kick scooters in urban areas: Key drivers from expert stakeholders", "Transport Policy" , -, 2023
A. Lopez Hernandez, L. Romero-Ramos, J.M. Flórez-Parra and M.V. Lopez Perez,  "External control of gender budget implementation: Experience of the Audit Office of Andalusia", "Public Money & Management" , vol.43, 527-529, 2023
J.M. Vela, F. Polo-Garrido, E.J. De La Higuera Molina and G. Pérez López,  "La relación entre la auditoría, la corrupción política y la transparencia informativa: un análisis comparativo de las Comunidades Autónomas españolas", "Revista de Contabilidad" , vol.25, 31-44, 2022
J. Lara Rubio, A. Navarro Galera, D. Buendia Carrillo and M.E. Gómez Miranda,  "Analysing financial risks of local governments to design sustainability policies for public services: An empirical study by the population size", "Cities" , vol.128, 103795-, 2022
S. Rodriguez Gomez, M.V. Lopez Perez, R. Garde Sánchez and M.L. Arco Castro,  "Increasing the commitment of students toward corporate social responsibility through higher education instruction", "International Journal of Management Education" , vol.20, -, 2022
M.E. Gómez Miranda, A. Navarro Galera, D. Buendia Carrillo and J. Lara Rubio,  "An empirical analysis of women¿s influence on management of financial risk in local governments", "Revista de Contabilidad" , vol.25, 271-281, 2022

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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